Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Warning: Do Not Eat This

At the risk of offending any of our (slew) of followers who might be die-hard fans, I just want to put it out there that the Nom Nom truck is one of the most overrated food trucks in Los Angeles. It amazes me how long people are willing to wait in line for a banh mi sandwich that is utterly mediocre. (I'm assuming that goes for the taco version as well.)

There are just so many more delicious banh mi options out there! For example, the little-known Mandoline Grill Truck, IMO, kicks Nom Nom's ass... and really hard at that. The bread is better (not stale would be a good start), the meat is juicier (and they give you way more), and it honestly just tastes 1,000 times better. It is absolutely DELICIOUS. Oh, and you don't have to wait forever and a day just to get one. So... my advice would be: don't waste your money buying into this unfounded obsession everyone seems to have with the Nom Nom truck. Just sayin'... You've been warned.

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